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Echoism: The Silenced Response to Narcissism



On Friday 15th June 2018, Donna Savery will run a workshop with Mindsite based around the ideas developed in her forthcoming book: Echoism, the Silenced Response to Narcissism. 


The term narcissism (as a psychological condition) originates from the work of two 19th century psychiatrists Nacke and Ellis. Their ides were based on Ovid's version of The Myth of Echo and Narcissus, which was later taken up by Freud. However, the character of Echo was ignored and is virtually absent from the literature.



The counterpart to the character of Echo that we meet in our consulting rooms is cursed to remain silent or to simply repeat back the words of others. She (or he) is frequently in a co-dependent relationship with a narcissist. And, while much has been written about narcissism, there is relatively little material on echoism; despite occupying an equal role in Ovid's myth. Donna's objective is to rewrite the history of Echo and put her back on the page as a character in her own right. This character sheds considerable light on both individual therapy and couples counselling.


It is a session for those that like a mixture of theoretical and experiential training. Donna works in a highly interactive way - using theory to explain the ideas that underpin her thinking. The aim is to provide experiential learning that will enable participants to gain insight into themselves and their approach to practice. There will be a mixture of small group discussion, large group teaching and sharing, experiential group work and role play; backed up by written resources. This will ensure that all learning styles are addressed and that all participants leave with their personal experience of the day and their own understanding of the ideas presented.


About the event

After defining echoism and the traits commonly found in echoists, Donna will outline her key principles for treating echoistic patients and explain her main theoretical influences. She will present a number of case studies in the form of vignettes and participants will have a chance to consider how they might work with the echoisty - through role play and small group discussion.


Donna will also explore the importance for practitioners and supervisors of understanding their own echoism or echoistic traits. She will offer a safe environment for practitioners to reflect on personal as well as professional experiences of being in the presence of narcissism and the degree to which this has influenced their own echoism. She will suggest ways of working with this increased self-knowledge and how it may help to enhance understanding of both echoistic, co-dependent and narcissistic clients who come into therapy.


The event will be of interest to therapists of any orientation, who wish to help their clients explore this aspect of their behaviour. This will enable them to take greater responsibility for their actions, acknowledge existential choices and take agency in their own lives. The personal development aspect of the workshop will offer opportunities for therapists to engage with their own inner worlds. Those who like to work and think creatively will find opportunities to enrich their practice through the exercises and theory employed in the workshop.

About the workshop leader

Donna Christina Savery is an Existential and Creative therapist. Her research into working with myth in existential relationship therapy was published in Emmy van Deurzen’s book ‘Existential perspectives on relationship therapy’ (van Deurzen, 2013). Her book Echoism: The Silenced Response to Narcissism will be published by Karnac in the near future. She has also written papers for journals and magazines on this subject and is currently writing her next book Am I an Echoist?, which is a guide for sufferers. She formerly worked as a theatre director and academic and brings these elements to her work as part of her drive for authentic co-creative therapeutic relationships. She has a private practice in Buckinghamshire as well as a busy practice in London W1. Donna is also a group therapist and researcher and has presented her work on Echoism at many conferences.

Understanding the Narcissist’s Web of Deception.

This workshop “UNDERSTANDING THE NARCISSISTS WEB OF DECEPTION”, is the basic foundation for a series of 1 day workshops to follow in 2016, held in Dublin and presented by: Christine Louis de Canonville B.A.Hons; MIACP; MTCI; MPNLP, CMH; CHyp. Author, psychotherapist, supervisor, and specialist in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome for over 25 years. The “new frontier” in terms of challenges for therapists to-day is to understand Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and especially the effects of narcissistic abuse on the victims coming into the therapy room. Christine’s broad knowledge comes from her own personal journey of recovery, working with victims, and her post-grad studies in Criminology and Forensic Psychology. Her book,The Three Faces of Evil: Unmasking the Full Spectrum of Narcissistic Abuse, is a primer written for both therapists and victims, and covers the full spectrum of pathological narcissism (the Dark Triad), something every health professional should know. 

In this workshop you will learn:

• How to recognise the difference between healthy narcissism and pathological narcissism.

• What attracts a narcissist to their prey?

• How to recognise pathological narcissistic behaviours early in a relationship.

• Why narcissists need victims as “narcissistic supply”?

• How the "Dark Triad" will help you understand the different levels of narcissistic behavior.

• The effects of narcissistic abuse on the victim.

• Understand the significant effects of being raised by and/or being in a close relationship with a narcissist (in the home, workplace,  friendships, etc.).

• Why therapists need to understand narcissistic abuse.

• Plus much more....

Who is this workshop for:

This series of one day workshops have been designed for anyone dealing with the fallout of narcissistic abuse (i.e. counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, trainee counsellors, doctors, police, social workers, and victims, etc.). These workshops are suitable for anybody wishing to develop their knowledge and understanding of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and narcissistic victim abuse. The first workshop (4th December 2015) is the basic workshop on which all the other workshops are built upon for understanding the effects of this form of abuse on the victim, so it is important to do this workshop first. It will concentrate on giving a broad overview of the pathological patterns of abuse that narcissistic perpetrators (both male and female) act out on unsuspecting victims. This information is important, as it is pertinent in understanding all the other workshops that looks specifically at the victim.


  • Workshop date: Friday 27th May, 2016

  • Venue: Avila Carmelite Centre, Bloomfield Avenue, Morehampton Road, Dublin 4, Ireland

  • Time: 9.30am - 5.00pm

  • Price: €130.00 (Early Bird Price €110.00 if paid by 20th May 2016)

  • Free Parking

  • Lunch Included In Price

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© 2017 The Echo Society (UK) (limited by guarantee). Registered Company Number: 10330786. All rights reserved.

71–75 Shelton Street Covent Garden London WC2H 9JQ.



Monday - Wednesday; 8am – 12pm



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